


吴伟超,男,博士,海洋科学学院,研究员,博士生导师。玛丽居里学者(Marie Curie Individual Fellow),国家基金委优秀青年基金(海外)获得者。主要从事海洋有机地球化学和微生物地球化学的研究,目前的研究方向和兴趣侧重于代谢组学,脂质组学和代谢流分析技术在海洋生物地球化学研究中的开发与应用,聚焦“微生物驱动的生物地球化学循环”的关键代谢途径及机制这一核心课题。目前在Science AdvancesPNASISMEGCAGRL等刊物发表文章17篇。




2020.03-2022.05,博士后,极地生物地球化学,瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学环境科学学院(合作导师,Örjan Gustafsson教授生物地球化学)

2019.06-2020.02,博士后,海洋化学,不来梅大学生物与化学学院海洋化学组 (合作导师,Tilmann Harder教授化学生态学)

2018.02-2019.05, 博士后农业生物地球化学,德国哥廷根大学农学院(合作导师,Michaela A. Dippold教授,土壤生物地球化学)


2013.09-2018.01,博士,德国不来梅大学(MARUM海洋环境和科学研究所),有机地球化学(导师:Kai-U Hinrichs, 德国科学院(Leopoldina)院士)

2010.09-2013.07,硕士,北京大学,第四纪地质学 (导师:许云平)



许云平教授,上海海洋大学;王风平教授,上海交通大学;Michael Friedrich教授,德国不来梅大学;Wei-Li Hong博士,瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学;Paul Dijkstra教授,美国北亚利桑那大学;Bruce Hungate教授,美国北亚利桑那大学


有氧和无氧培养技术;单体碳氢同位素分析;气体(比如H2, CH4CO2)和挥发性代谢产物(比如乙酸和甲醇)浓度和同位素分析;脂质化合物分析(GCMSHPLC-qTOF-MS/MS);代谢物(GC-qTOF-MSHPLC-orbitrap-MS13C-代谢流模型RMATLAB语言统计分析和编程。


2018,欧盟地平线2020”计划--玛丽居里学者奖学金(Marie Curie Individual Fellowship





1. Wu, W., Dijkstra, P., Hungate B., Shi, L., Dippold, M.A., 2022. In situ diversity of metabolism and carbon use efficiency among soil Bacteria, Science Advances (IF = 14) in press.

2. Dijkstra, P., Martinez, A., Thomas, S.C., Seymour, C.O., Wu, W., Dippold, M.A., Megonigal, J.P., Schwartz, E., Hungate, B.A., 2022. On maintenance and metabolisms in soil microbial communities. Plant and Soil (IF =4.2), 476:385-396.

3. Fan, L., Schneider D., Dippold, M., Poehlein A., Wu, W., Gui, H., Ge, T., Wu, J., Thiel, V., Kuzyakov, Y., Dorodnikov, M., 2021. Active metabolic pathways of anaerobic methane oxidation in paddy soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 156: 108215.

4. Wu, W., Meador, T., Könneke, M., Elvert, M., Wegener, G., and Hinrichs, K.-U., 2020. Substrate-dependent incorporation of carbon and hydrogen for lipid biosynthesis by Methanosarcina barkeriEnvironmental Microbiology Reports (IF = 2.98). 12: 555-567 doi.org/10.1111/1758-2229.12876.

5. Wu, W., Dijkstra P., and Dippold M., 2020. 13C analysis of fatty acid fragments by gas chromatography mass spectrometry for metabolic flux analysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (IF = 5.0), 284: 92-106. doi.org/ doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2020.05.032.

6. Xu ,Y., Wu W., Xiao, W., Ge, H., Wei, Y., Yin, X., Yao, H., Lipp, J.S., Pan, B. and Hinrichs, K.-U., 2020. Intact ether lipids in trench sediments related to archaeal community and environmental conditions in the deepest ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (IF = 3.6)e2019JG005431. doi.org/10.1029/2019JG005431

7. Yin, X., Wu, W., Maeke, M., Richter-Heitmann, T., Kulkarni, A., Oni O., Wendt, J., Elvert, M., and Friedrich, M., 2019. CO2 conversion to methane and biomass in obligate methylotrophic methanogens in marine sediment. The ISME Journal, 13: 2107-2119.doi.org/10.1038/s41396-019-0425-9

8. Lü, X., Chen, J., Han, T., Yang, H., Wu, W., Ding, W., and Hinrichs, K.-U., 2019. Origin of hydroxyl GDGTs and regular isoprenoid GDGTs in suspended particulate matter of Yangtze River Estuary. Organic Geochemistry (IF = 3.7), 128:78-85. doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.12.010

9. Yu, T., Wu, W. (co-first author), Liang, W., M.A. Lever, Hinrichs, K.-U., and Wang, F., 2018. Growth of sedimentary Bathyarchaeota on lignin as an energy source. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (IF = 10.4). 115:6022-6027. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1718854115 (PhD work)

10. Wu, W., Meador, T., and Hinrichs, K.-U., 2018. Production and turnover of microbial organic matter in surface intertidal sediments. Organic Geochemistry (IF = 3.7), 121: 104-113. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018.04.006 (PhD work)

11. Huguet, A., Meador, T., Laggoun-Défarge, F., Könneke, M., Wu, W., Derenne, S., and Hinrichs, K.-U., 2017. Production rates of bacterial tetraether lipids and fatty acids in peatland under varying oxygen concentrations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (IF = 5.0), 203: 103-116. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.01.012

12. Wu, W., Ruan, J., Ding, S., Zhao, L., Xu, Y., Yang, H., Ding, W., and Pei, Y., 2014. Source and distribution of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers along lower Yellow River-estuary-coast transect. Marine Chemistry (IF = 2.9), 158: 17-26. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2013.11.006

13. Zhao, L., Wu, W., Xu X., and Xu, Y., 2014, Soil organic matter dynamics under different land use in grasslands in Inner Mongolia (northern China). Biogeosciences (IF = 4.6), 11: 5103-5113. doi:10.5194/bg-11-5103-2014

14. Ding, S., Xu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang X., Zhao, L., Ruan, J., and Wu, W., 2014. Spatial and temporal variability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from Yellow River-dominated margin. The Scientific World Journal: doi:10.1155/2014/654183

15. Wu, W., Zhao L., Pei, Y., Ding, W., Yang, H., and Xu, Y., 2013. Variability of tetraether lipids in Yellow River-dominated continental margin during past eight decades: implications for organic matter sources and river channel shifts. Organic Geochemistry (IF = 3.7), 60:33-39. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.04.014

16. Wu, W., Tan, W., Zhou, L., Yang, H., and Xu, Y., 2012. Sea surface temperature variability in southern Okinawa Trough during last 2700 years, Geophysical Research Letters (IF = 4.6), 39, L14705, doi:10.1029/2012GL052749.

17. Huang, X., Meyers, P.A., Wu, W., Jia, C., and Xie, S., 2011. Significance of long chain iso and anteiso monomethyl alkanes in the Lamiaceae (mint family): Organic Geochemistry (IF = 3.7), 42:156-165. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2010.11.008


1.欧盟地平线2020”--玛丽居里奖项目,TCFLAND2SEA,主持,20.4万欧元,2020.03-2022.02: Thawing Carbon From LAND to SEA: Microbial Degradation of Organic Matter and Response to Thawing Permafrost in the Northeast Siberian Land-Shelf System. European Union’s Horizon 2020 under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 840240.




1. 2021.11.28-12.04,挪威G.O. SARS科考船,Lofoten-Vesteralen峡谷ROV采样,主要负责冷泉区域的宏生物,微生物,沉积物和水样的采集

2. 2020.09.26-11.04Keldysh科考船,瑞典俄罗斯2020国际北极科考计划(ISSS-2020),项目名称:北冰洋甲烷循环过程(主要负责水体颗粒和溶解态有机质,和表层沉积物取样)

3. 2020.03.16-2004.20-22,瑞典Electra科考船,波罗的海(Baltic Sea Landsort Deep,项目名称:海水水体氧化还原带甲烷生物化学过程(主要负责水体颗粒和溶解态有机质取样)

4. 2015.11.02-25,德国Maria S Meria48航次科考计划(葡萄牙Ponta Delgada 至西班牙Las Palmas),项目名称:Degradation of particulate Organic Matter and benthic microbial turnover rates reflecting ocean redox conditions off NW Africa(主要负责沉积物采样)

邮箱: wcwu@shou.edu.cn